Caught Up in Lies
"Every area of bondage in our lives can be traced back to a lie." Do you believe that? This statement comes from a book that I read years ago, entitled “Lies Women Believe”. At first glance, the book’s title seemed a little abrasive and somewhat demeaning to women. Which is probably why I decided to read it. I just had to know who had the audacity to make such a definitive statement about women.
Of course, it wasn’t long before I realized the book’s focus was to reveal many of the tricks and devices that Satan uses to detour women from their Godly purpose. Ironically, it all started with Eve... as she decided to engage in conversation with him. Once Satan had her attention, his subtle method was to plant doubt in her mind about God’s motive for instructing her to not eat of the tree. Consequently, she believed Satan’s version and acted accordingly. He simply introduced a lie that would change the course for all mankind.
Here is one my favorite quotes from the book:
"...the way we behave is invariably based on what we believe to be true, not what we say we believe, but what we actually believe.”
Eve believed Satan. Her decision to disobey God was rooted in her belief that she would not truly die, and the fruit would give her superior knowledge. Satan was so convincing, that she rejected the truth of who God was. Like Eve, many of us reside at the juncture of uncertainty about the authority of God in our lives. Satan uses our uncertainty to plant seeds of doubt in hopes of influencing our choices.
Reflecting upon my own life, I recognized the places where Satan managed to plant some lies onto my path. I realized my feelings of inferiority were actually Satan infused lies battling the truth of who I really was. I too believed him. My behavior and life choices began to align to the lie... that I was not good enough. Just like Eve, I acted on a lie.
Today, I no longer believe the lies that Satan tells women. Thankfully, my Christian Faith realigned my beliefs. I make a decision every day to trust God. Please know that Satan has not stopped trying to infiltrate my life, but I see him for who he is... a liar!
Sadly, every day I see women struggling with their true identity. Satan tells them: they are insignificant, fearful, dumb, unattractive, unlovable and much more. They are all lies. We are God’s treasure. He gave His son’s life for us. Jeremiah 29 tells us that God has good plans for us.
Let’s expose him... what are some of the lies Satan told you?